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2014-07-12 22:17:31

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Rebecca Pacheco
  Great shirt, as always. My husband loves his Adidas shirt and shorts that I ordered. He has been losing weight and working out, so needed a size down from his previous size, so I gifted him with a bunch of new workout clothes, including this shirt with matching shorts. They are super comfy for him and look great too. The sizing is spot on.

Ranjan Prajapati
  I miss the original T-Sheets, which were incredible. Seriously, I mourn for them. Ever since mine disintegrated from years of use, I’ve been on the lookout for something comparable that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. I tried the gawd-awful modal sheets from BBB, which are the worst. They pill within a week. I purchased another set of inexpensive 100% cotton jersey sheets from Amazon and they were beyond crap. The pillow cases were square, but not in that hip/meant to way. The cotton was paper thin. It was the worst money I ever spent here. Then, I tried the Brielle. Happy. Yes, SIZE UP FOR A DEEP MATTRESS. But, outside of a shallow fitted sheet, these sheets are a great deal for their inexpensive price. I mean, a set of 100% cotton jersey sheets for under $50? You can’t expect much more. Want perfection? Then, be prepared to drop $250 at Garnet Hill or The Company Store (their pillow cases cost about as much as the full sheet set here). Speaking of which, I wish they offered an option to buy an additional set of pillowcases. But, as I’m about to purchase my second set from them, that will work itself out.

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